Caring Circle to Provide Relief
Bowen Island Undercurrent
Published: September 19, 2013 3:00 PM
Dear Editor:
Thank you for your full report on the Caring Circle and their efforts to provide interim support to people in need of medical care or social services. However effective their resource guide and other printed material may be, it is the human element the Caring Circle provides which seems most important. Let us hope they will find the financial resources they need.
I’m a senior Bowen resident who came here in the ‘80s and stayed for 15 odd years. I moved closer to my family for a while, but gladly came back a couple of years ago. This island is my home, yet I now wonder if my return here was wise: increasing age often brings decreased health. Bowen is not providing well for emergencies – or after-care. The Caring Circle is trying to fill an enormous gap. Just this week I learned of three long-time senior Bowen Islanders leaving for the mainland, to be closer to doctors and related facilities. Most of us know of a few more who are considering a move from their Bowen home and life here: all seniors who are weighing the odds of managing on the island.
One can easily appreciate their concerns about delays and cost of using the ferry, about ambulance off-island crews who are unfamiliar with Bowen roads and byways, fear of relying on the water taxi when hindered by age or sickness, lack of a local medical team on weekends and holidays.
The Caring Circle tries to give us some relief from feeling isolated and at a loss. I sincerely hope they can continue helping our whole community, regardless of age or means.
Renate Williams, Bowen Court