Youth 13 and Older
Youth Resiliency Fund
If you, or someone you know, needs assistance, please contact YouthResilience@
Shore Services Directory for Youth on Bowen, West and North Vancouver
This is a comprehensive list of services and resource information including physical health, mental health, crisis intervention, emergency contact information, 24 hr help lines etc.
15th Street Youth Services
Providing mental health and addiction services for families and youth 13-18 in North Vancouver.
Provides a rich resource of self-help information and programs, as well as
resources for parents and caregivers.
Blog by young teenager about her experiences supporting a younger family member with OCD. It has many links to helpful related websites.
Avert Teen
About HIV/Aids for teens.
Bowen Island Youth Programs
A Youth Outreach Worker is available for youth who require support or assistance. Bowen Island Youth Centre is run by the Bowen Island Municipality. Youth aged 12-18 are welcome to stay for an hour, until closing, or just use the place as somewhere to meet up with friends before going out. Everyone is free to come and go as they please.
Open Friday 4-9:30pm and Saturday from 6 p.m. until 9:30pm.
604 947-2717 or cell 604 240-3467
650 Carter Rd
Transgender Health Information Program
A BC-wide information service and resource hub that makes sure people have the information they need to access gender affirming health care and supports. Support services include those for people who identify as trans, their families, friends, loved ones and service providers.
Toll free (in BC): 1-866-999-1514
Catching The Spirit Youth Society
Outdoor experiences for youth 12 to 18.
North Shore Youth Services Directory 2012-2013
A diverse listing of schools, clinics, and community programs and resources.
For copies: 604-983-7385
On-line directory:
Facilitating a range of sexual health workshops in high schools with a focus on grades 8 through 10.
604-714-3771 ext.2373
A multifaceted substance use prevention initiative that engages youth, families, communities and school staff.
Watari STAR Program – StopThinkAssessRespond
A strengths-based health promotion/education curriculum for youth in grades 5 & 7.
For more info, call: 604-254-6995
Vancouver Coastal Health
Four North Shore Youth Clinics – providing health information, birth control, pregnancy testing and counselling, emergency contraception, immunizations, nutrition info, smoking cessation, etc. Free drop in – Confidential.
Mental Health
See our Mental Health page for more links and mental health information.
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre
Information on topics related to mental health challenges that can affect youth and young adults. Provides links to many additional resources with youth in mind.
Parenting Boys Through Young Men
Very interesting site that speaks to the idea of mentoring boys to become caring, courageous, and ethical men.