Knick Knack Nook Auction supports Caring Circle
It was an evening of magic, possibility and delightfully frenzied bidding. The biennial KKN auction, this year supporting Caring Circle, ignited Cates Hill Chapel on Saturday evening. The room was festooned with enticing “objects of desire” that just couldn’t be resisted.
There are many, many people to thank for making this magical event happen – literally hundreds gave countless hours or donated treasures. KKN volunteers are extraordinary. For the past 2 years they have been selecting, storing, sorting, cleaning, repairing and having appraisals done on items gleaned from donations to their Reuse-it store. Deep thanks to KKN’s Donna Scorer and Katherine Lawrence for their leadership and indefatigable energy. We sincerely thank all the KKN and Caring Circle volunteers and most of their families and friends who also pitched in. Thanks to Mark Groen for managing and continually updating the live auction. Thank you to Colleen O’Neil, Caring Circle’s Program Director, for her dedication and never ending contributions for taking care of so many of the details.
The Knick Knack Nook and the Caring Circle would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their invaluable contributions: Body Vitality, Bowen Sushi, David Pinner at Sharpshire, David Wrinch, Gino’s Coffee, Jeanette Langman, Karen at Euro Chocolate, Mary Farris, Tiffanee Scorer, Jocelyn Willis, The Flower Shop, and the many volunteers of the KKN and Caring Circle. And of course, we would like to thank everyone who donated their treasures.
Caring Circle is honored to receive the support of this year’s Auction. We will use the proceeds to maintain our many programs such as the Driver’s Program, Mental Health Workshops, Community Lunch Program, Health Navigation Program, Conscious Aging Workshops, and our newest Connections Program where volunteers offer companionship to people in their homes.
With gratitude for the generosity of our volunteers and of our community.
Maureen Witney,
Chair, Caring Circle
On behalf of the Knick Knack Nook and Caring Circle